Your Personal Branding Blueprint

Your personal brand helps people find you online.

And let’s face it…today, if you don’t have a powerful online presence – a virtual reality – for all intents and purposes you don’t have an actual reality – a position of authority, competence, a trust factor, which all equates to a thriving business.


“Branding is what people say about you when you are not in the room.”

Jeff Bezos, Founder & CEO of Amazon

What You’ll Learn

How you can begin to brand yourself? 

Why your personal brand is so important?

Secrets to branding yourself so your perfect prospect finds you.

PLUS...We'll dive into the 7 Steps of Personal Branding including...

Defining Your Core Values

What are your priorities?  What do you stand for?

What’s most important to you in your life?

Discovering Your Passions

What area of your business are you truly passionate about? And why? 

Determining Your Target Audience 

Who do you want to help and serve?  What are the benefits your prospect will receive?

Creating Your Tagline

Create a phrase or a statement that lets your prospect know what you do and how you help them.

A Bit About Me

I'm Gloria MacDonald.  And one thing I know for a fact about you is that you're AMAZING, GENIUS & DIVINE!

I know that you've got a unique calling, purpose and message that you, and ONLY you can bring to the world in your very special way.

And that's the biggest reason why I believe that Personal Branding is so important.


I learned so much about myself and what I have to offer to the world through this 7-Step Process.  I've gotten clarity that has enabled me create a Powerful Personal Brand that aligns with who I am and how I want to serve. 

Thank you, Gloria!

 Teresa Jessen

Richie Norton defines Personal Brand as…

“Everything that you are, plus everything people believe you to be.”

The purpose of branding yourself is to help people discover YOU!

Start here NOW!


Copyright 2020 Life Alchemy Inc. - Gloria MacDonald

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